Tuesday 30 April 2013


Yes Pardon ME!!  This Albino Raccoon can be seen at Greenview Avaries in Morpeth, ON.   

Monday 29 April 2013


I took this picture of the Bald Eagle at the Detroit Zoo.  There were two beautiful eagles perched in the tree in their enclosure.  I think this bird displays such beauty, but at the same time a strength and dominance that I have not seen in any other bird.  I would love to be able to be close enough to get a shot of one of these beauties in the wild.  Maybe some day.

Wednesday 24 April 2013


This baby Great Horned Owl was born just down the street from me in Paxton's Bush.  The adults have taken up permanent residence here.  This is one of the first times that the babies (there are two), were low enough to get a shot.  On one occasion the mother owl dropped in a rabbit for the babies lunch!

Monday 22 April 2013

AGING WITH GRACE VII (to be continued)

The above three pictures were taken in Novi Sad, Serbia several years ago.  I have selected them for part of my Aging With Grace section because each of them are elderly and have remarkable stories to tell.  All three were living in a Refugee Camp when I met them. We were distributing food boxes to the camp on a cold snowy day.  These people were ordered to leave their homes and vacate within minutes only to watch their homes be burned behind them.  The tragedy and loss these people endured will for ever scar them.  Aging With Grace leaves them little choice.

Saturday 20 April 2013


I met the lady above in  Prague CR when we were on vacation.  She was with her daughter painting Easter Eggs to sell at the Easter Festival in Prague.   This is a generational craft that has been going on in their families for centuries.  I think she could have painted the intricate designs on the eggs in her sleep.  
The elderly man above was in Ottawa at the Ice Carnival.  This old lumberjack was making maple syrup.  Just the sweetest fellow, with a great sense of humour.

Friday 19 April 2013


A persons hands speaks a thousand words or more... Every wrinkle and every callous reveals a persons activities, his worries, his hard work and his demeanour. This gentlemen is very confident, relaxed after many hard years as a construction owner and worker. He still wears the ring from his beloved who passed on a few years back.  Grace is what I see.

Tuesday 16 April 2013


This dear friend of mine turned 89 today.  Oh the stories I have heard from this lovely man.  Born in Brussels, lived through the war and immigrated to Canada.  He has enriched my life by the grace he has shown and the grace he has been given.   Happy Birthday Lou!

Tuesday 9 April 2013


They say that eyes are a Window to the Soul.  I think this could be true.

Monday 8 April 2013


A I have already stated I love the elderly.  I have gained so much understanding and wisdom from listening to them.  I have a huge respect for all they have done and continue to do in their lives.  It's too bad that society and even families have pushed so many loved ones aside leaving institutions to care for them when they need us most. 

Sunday 7 April 2013


Probably some of the most rewarding pictures I take are of people. I love to hear their stories and get to know them just a bit before I ask to take their picture.  I especially enjoy seniors because they have so much to share.  I get to peer into their souls when I take their photo.  For the next little bit I will be focusing on "Aging With Grace."
I have a special place in my heart for these hands, because they belong to my 90 year old mother in law.

Saturday 6 April 2013


This picture was taken at the Almafi Coast in Italy.  I was awestruck at the magnificence of the power behind this rushing water.  I am forever amazed at the power God has put in the elements and the powerlessness we feel when up against it. 

Tuesday 2 April 2013


What a pretty little green bird.  When I looked up this bird I was surprised to find that it was a heron.  Most herons that I have seen have been very large birds.  This one was sitting patiently waiting for a passing fish in very green swampy water.